Friday, May 25, 2007

Limitations to Lipozap

Lipozap sounds like the most ideal way to get rid of unwanted fat in our body. But Lipozap is not for everyone. Even on their website, Lipozap specifically warns that their treatment/procedure is not intended for the following groups of individuals.

Lipozap is not for you if you are under 18 years of age or if you are allergic to soy products or benzyl alcohol. Lipozap is not for pregnant women or women who have given birth recently and are breastfeeding. Morever, if you are HIV positive or have any severe chronic illnesses you are not a candidate for Lipozap. The following will also disquality you from being a Lipozap user: if you have an autoimmune disease except rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, severe cardiac disease, currently undergoing or recently had chemotherapy, if you have active eczema of psoriasis, bleeding disorders, vascular insufficiency, severe renal disease, open sores, lesions or skin infections in the treatment area.

Info About Lipozap

Lipozap is supposed to help you zap away those unwanted bulges. People with weight problems often have to resort to surgery to get rid of their excess fat. Lipozap, a new procedure developed by MedAesthetica Medical Group, Inc. claims to reduce fat without any surgical procedures involved. Lipozap is said to have minimal side effects and needs barely any recuperation time. But, there are skeptics who feel that Lipozap may not be a long term solution for people with obesity problem.

What does the Lipozap procedure involve? It's a non-invasive procedure, supposed to eliminate fat and aid in inch loss. Lipozap can be used on any part of the body and the procedure involves the use of a VelaSmooth anti cellulite machine, infrared heat and radio frequency (RF) waves. The device massages the skin and the heat and RF waves break down the fat cells under the skin. And then the fat-dissolving drug phosphatidylcholine is administered to the patients.

How long does it take for any results to be visible? Lipozap claims that four sessions are usually enough for the results to show. Moreover, Lipozap is said to be cheaper than liposuction. A question a lot of people would wonder if would the Lipozap procedure be painful? The answer is that you might feel slight discomfort but generally wouldn't feel pain.